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Cultural Resource Management

G2 Archaeology

We are a cultural resources management firm that provides support to local, state, and federal agencies, and private landowners in California and the Great Basin. Our woman-owned small business is centrally located in Reno, Nevada, allowing for easy access to project sites throughout the West.

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G2 Archaeology was incorporated in 2016 to provide clients with an affordable and efficient approach to cultural resource management. Having worked for decades at larger cultural resource management firms, the goal was to create a small business that promotes client relations and a greater focus on individual projects.

Our five-point mission at G2 is to:

  • Offer expert advice during initial planning and development stages of compliance projects

  • Understand and meet current requirements for cultural resources compliance on federal, state, and local projects

  • Maintain direct and frequent communication with clients and agencies throughout the compliance process

  • Produce high-quality reports and other deliverables to get projects through compliance reviews in a timely manner

  • Conduct research projects outside the scope of our professional services

G2 offers a full range of cultural resources services, including:

Cultural Resources Survey / Inventory
NRHP Evaluations
Testing and Data Recovery
Cultural Resources Monitoring
Literature Searches and Archival Studies
Artifact and Faunal Analyses
Ethnography and Ethnohistory
Native American Consultation
Architectural History
Treatment Plans and Late Discoveries Plans
Cultural Resources Management Plans


 Our Team

  • Dayna Tinsley, M.A., RPA


    Email: Dayna@g2archaeology.com

    Ms. Tinsley, owner of G2 Archaeology, meets the Secretary of Interior Professional Qualifications Standards for archaeology and is a permitted Principal Investigator in Nevada, California, and Utah. With nearly 25 years of experience in professional archaeology, she has successfully completed numerous archaeological studies that comply with Section 106 and Section 110 requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), as well as requirements under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Throughout her career, Ms. Tinsley has served in a variety of roles for survey, testing, monitoring, and data recovery projects under the review of the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), Department of Defense (DOD) (including United States [U.S.] Air Force, Marine Corps, and Navy]), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT), California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and various state and local agencies. She completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology from the University of California, Davis in 1996, and her Master of Arts degree in Anthropology from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2007. Ms. Tinsley’s graduate research centered on settlement and subsistence patterns within Slinkard Valley, Mono County, California with an emphasis on prehistoric and ethnohistoric pinyon processing camps. She incorporated G2 Archaeology in 2016 and serves as lead Project Manager and Principal Investigator.

  • Emily S. Whorton, M.A., RPA


    Email: Emily@g2archaeology.com

    Ms. Whorton meets the national Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for archaeology, is a member of the Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA), is a permitted Principal Investigator in Nevada, California, and Utah, and is recognized by the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) as a Qualified Archaeologist. She has extensive experience in managing and conducting archaeological studies for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) within the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) framework and process. Ms. Whorton has over 13 years of experience in survey, testing, data recovery, and monitoring throughout the Great Basin, Eastern, Southern, and Central California, Idaho, and Oregon. Ms. Whorton received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Anthropology from California State University, Los Angeles in 2010, and her Master of Arts degree in Anthropology from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2013. Her graduate research focused on dating Great Basin Carved Abstract rock art found in the northern Great Basin to the Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene approximately 12,500 to 8000 radiocarbon years ago. Her publications have focused on Paleoindian rock art in Oregon, California, and Nevada, Paleoindian technological provisioning strategies in the northwestern Great Basin, digital data collection for rock art in southern Nevada, and have been published in journals including the Journal of Archaeological Science, and North American Archaeologist. Ms. Whorton has been with G2 Archaeology since 2019 in the capacity of Data Manager and Senior Archaeologist, preparing technical deliverables for agency submission.

  • Mark Estes, M.A., RPA


    Email: Mestes@g2archaeology.com

    Mr. Estes has nearly two decades of experience in professional archaeology throughout Nevada, California, Idaho, Utah, and Oregon. Mr. Estes meets the national Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for archaeology and is a member of the Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA). Mr. Estes received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Anthropology from Kansas State University, Manhattan in 2004, and his Master of Arts degree in Anthropology from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2009. His graduate research focused on Paleoindian lithic technological organization, provisioning strategies, and mobility and land-use patterns in Jakes Valley, Nevada. Mr. Estes has served as principal investigator, field supervisor, and field archaeologist on pedestrian survey, site testing, and data recovery projects under the review of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), Department of Defense (including Army and Navy), California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the United States Forest Service (USFS), and the National Park Service (NPS) and has authored numerous technical reports accepted by these agencies. Mr. Estes has been a Senior Archaeologist with G2 Archaeology since 2022.

  • Rocky Brockway


    Email: Rocky@g2archaeology.com

    Mr. Brockway has worked as a professional archaeologist since 2005. He has extensive experience throughout Nevada, California, and Wyoming and has also worked throughout the eastern U.S. where he began his career. Mr. Brockway received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology from the State University of New York at Geneseo in 2007, and he is currently working to earn his Ph.D. in Anthropology at the University of Nevada, Reno. His graduate research focuses on explaining the emergence of integrated inegalitarian social structures in human communities using the western Great Basin Middle Archaic as a test case. Throughout his career, Mr. Brockway has served in a variety of roles for survey, monitoring, and data recovery projects, gaining extensive experience in managing and conducting archaeological studies to ensure compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). He has authored numerous technical reports accepted by a variety of state and federal agencies. Mr. Brockway has worked with G2 Archaeology since 2020.

  • Hanna Romes, B.S.


    Email: Hanna@g2archaeology.com

    Ms. Romes completed her Associates Degree of Applied Science (A.S.) in Archaeology at Hocking College, Nelsonville, Ohio in 2003. After receiving her A.S., she began working in the CRM sector throughout the Great Lakes and Ohio River Valley regions. In 2004, she moved to Moscow, Idaho to continue her education at the University of Idaho receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Anthropology and a minor in Native American Indian Studies in 2006. Ms. Romes has extensive archaeological field experience throughout the Rocky Mountain, Southwest, Colorado Plateau, and Great Basin regions. Since 2009, Ms. Romes has served as a Crew Chief/Field Director for several Cultural Resource Management companies throughout the west, managing field operations for survey, testing, and data recovery projects. Ms. Romes has been with G2 Archaeology since 2017.

  • Gregory Lou, B.A.


    Email: Glou@g2archaeology.com

    Mr. Lou has over 14 years of CRM experience throughout Nevada, California, Utah, Arizona, Oregon, Idaho, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming. Mr. Lou received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Anthropology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2008, and a professional GIS certificate from Michigan State University in 2020. He has managed field operations for survey and testing projects throughout the West and has provided technical GIS support including geodatabase and graphics production. Mr. Lou has served as field technician and crew chief for G2 since 2019, and Staff Archaeologist since 2022.

  • Tatiana Vlemincq-Mendieta, Ph.D.


    Email: tatiana@g2archaeology.com

    Dr. Vlemincq-Mendieta has a decade of fieldwork experience in projects located in Spain, Sudan, Peru, and the United States. She completed her Master of Arts degree at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Prehispanic Archaeology and Art History in 2015, her Master of Science degree at the University College London in Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology in 2016, and her Doctorate in Anthropology at the University of Nevada, Reno in 2023. Her graduate research focused on dental morphological methods and their applicability in Virtual Anthropology. She has co-authored technical reports and peer-reviewed papers, as well as participated in numerous archaeological and biological anthropology conferences. She has further experience as a lecturer and academic researcher at university level. She also has a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, and she is trilingual in English, Spanish and French. Dr. Vlemincq-Mendieta has worked as an archaeological technician for G2 Archaeology since 2022 and joined as a staff archaeologist in 2023.

  • John B. Lundemo


    Email: john@g2archaeology.com

    John B Lundemo has worked as a professional Archaeologist since 2011 and has spent that entire time in the field completing numerous projects across Nevada, Idaho, California, Oregon, and Arizona. Mr Lundemo specializes in survey and site recording techniques. John is permitted statewide in Nevada as a crew chief. John has been with G2 since it's inception, completing fieldwork on project G2-001.

  • Adrienne Brown, M.H.R.M.


    Email: adrienne@g2archaeology.com

    Ms. Brown has over 15 years of administrative experience and a background working for the University of Nevada, Reno, the US Forest Service, and the US Department of the Interior. Ms. Brown completed her Bachelor of Arts in Art History from Pace University in New York City in 2007 and her Masters of Human Resource Management with a specialization in project management in 2020 from Colorado State University Global Campus. Ms. Brown has been with G2 Archaeology since 2023.

  • Dominic Tullo, M.A.


    Email: dominic@g2archaeology.com

    Mr. Tullo has over 5 years of experience as a professional archaeologist and has worked in California and Nevada as an archaeological technician since 2019. He received his B.A. in anthropology from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2017 and recently completed his M.A. in Anthropology from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2023. His graduate research involved studying late Holocene settlement and subsistence strategies in the northern Sierra Nevada of California. He has also worked as a teaching assistant for the Holzman site field school excavations for Adelphi University in interior Alaska. There he was responsible for handling artifact provenience data, cataloguing and preparing artifacts, and teaching undergraduate students field methods in archaeology. Mr. Tullo also participated in a salvage excavation for the Utqiaġvik Iñupiat Corporation at the Walakpa archaeological site near Barrow, Alaska. He has also worked for Chickaloon Native Village in South Central Alaska where he aided in the survey and documentation of sites within traditional territory for Chickaloon Native Village. Mr. Tullo has worked as an archaeological technician for G2 Archaeology since 2022 and joined as a staff archaeologist in 2023.

  • Linda Akyuz, M.A., RPA


    Email: linda@g2archaeology.com

    Linda Akyüz has 15 years of experience in professional archaeology, thirty-nine years as a California historian, and 24 years as a teacher and tribal grant writer. She has served as Associate Environmental Planner (Archeology) for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), as well as staff archaeologist and Principal Investigator for private consulting firms in the Great Basin and California and archivist for the South Central Coastal Information Center and the Bishop Paiute Tribe.

    Ms. Akyüz has extensive experience in managing and conducting archaeological studies for compliance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)/ National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)/Section 106/Section 110 requirements in the California, Nevada, and Arizona, as well as California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). She meets Secretary of the Interior standards for Archaeology has served as project manager, principal investigator, field director, and field archaeologist for survey, testing, and data recovery projects under the review of the Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), Department of Defense (DOD, including Marine Corps and Navy), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), National Park Service, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)/Caltrans, and numerous municipal governments. Ms. Akyüz has recorded and evaluated hundreds of archaeological sites for eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places and California Register of Historical Resources.

    Ms. Akyüz’ graduate research focused on settlement and subsistence patterns in Cedar Flats/the White Mountains in Inyo County, California, on USFS lands. Her study analyzed ethnohistoric and prehistoric pinyon camps and household space/cache features within these camps. Ms. Akyüz analyzed the harvesting of Pinus monophylla as it related to settlement patterns and subsistence strategies within the context of climate change.

  • Greg Lloyd, B.A.


    Email: Glloyd@g2archaeology.com

    Greg graduated with honors from Temple University in Philadelphia in 2005 with Bachelors degrees in Anthropology and Environmental Science. He spent nearly a decade working throughout the Eastern United States with a focus on prehistory in the Mid-Atlantic region. In 2014, he took a seasonal position with the Ashley National Forest in Utah before moving to the private sector and working extensively for the next ten years throughout the western states conducting cultural resource investigations. He started with G2 as a field technician in 2017 and became a staff archaeologist in 2024. In addition to his field expertise, Greg also completed a specialized certificate program in Geographic Information Systems at the University of California in San Diego in 2020. He is currently working to support fieldwork and GIS tasks for G2.

Map of Nevada, California, Utah, and Idaho depicting Class III cultural resource inventories completed by G2 Archaeology.


G2 has completed over 100 projects in Nevada, California, Idaho, and Utah for a variety of Federal and State agencies as well as private landowners. Projects include Class III cultural resource inventories, data recovery excavations, construction monitoring, research projects, and GIS projects.

Class III (intensive pedestrian) cultural resource inventories have been completed on nearly 130,000 acres in Nevada (Churchill, Clark, Elko, Esmeralda, Humboldt, Lander, Lincoln, Lyon, Mineral, Nye, Pershing, Washoe, and White Pine Counties), California (Alpine, Mono, Nevada, and Sierra Counties), Idaho (Owyhee, Lemhi, and Twin Falls Counties), and Utah (Iron County). Class I (literature search) inventories have also been completed on nearly 200,000 acres in the West.

G2 has undertaken a variety of large-scale projects in Nevada for both minerals extraction and federal land management efforts including those in and around:

  • Bare Mountain (46,000 acres in Nye County)

  • West Humboldt Range (35,000 acres in Pershing County)

  • Jarbidge Mountains (24,000 acres in Elko County)

  • Lahontan Valley (23,000 acres in Churchill and Lyon Counties)

These projects span the life of a minerals extraction project from Class III cultural resource inventories in advance of Notice-level exploration and mine Plans of Operations, from agreement document and historic properties treatment plan preparation to implementation of mitigation measures including data recovery excavations and development of interpretive materials, and ongoing construction monitoring.

 G2 has also completed several large-scale research projects in Lincoln County, Nevada, as well as large geospatial projects in northeastern and western Nevada.


Data Recovery Excavations


Class III Cultural Resources Inventories

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Construction Monitoring

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Research Projects

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GIS Projects


Photo Gallery

Get In Touch

(775) 420-5030

450 Marsh Avenue
Suite 2
Reno, NV 89509


We’re Hiring

We do not have any job openings at this time. Please email adrienne@g2archaeology.com with any employment questions.